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BOE will product flexible display panel next year

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When running ,put the mobile phone on the wrist;When shopping,the tablet computer can be folded up and put it in your pocket;when moving,you can roll up the TV ... On August 19, Senior vice president Zhang Yu said in Chengdu BOE, oriented flexible display of BOE Chengdu 6th generation AMOLED production line will put into production next year, these products and applications will be soon step in our life.

Total investment in Chengdu amounted to 46 billion 500 million yuan

Flexible AMOLED panel: fast response, wide viewing angle, ultra-thin, ultra - light and foldable bending.It belongs to the world's most advanced display technology, it has wide application in the high-end mobile phones and a new generation of wearable and display. Authoritative data show that it is expected to 2020, the demand of AMOLED panel demand will be 52.3%.

In February,Chengdu BOE six generation line project ,the second phase of the project contract.BOE amount of investment is 24.5 billion yuan, two total investment in Chengdu is 465 billion yuan. The main products of Chengdu 6 generation line is flexible AMOLED small and medium-sized panels.After the completion,it will become China's first production line for the flexible display of AMOLED.

Shorten the time from R & D to product launch

"Advanced technology will be reflected in the product." Zhang Yu said.In order to speed up the technology in the mobile phone, TV, tablet PC, AR/VR and other fields of application and penetration, the BOE strengthen industrial chain materials, design,in the production process and try to shorten the time from R & D to product launch.

Lack of core, less screenis the problem of transformation and upgrading of China's electronic information industry transformation and development. Over the past 10 years, BOE invests and constructs panel production line in many parts of the country with total investment of 200 billion yuan. The BOEs market share of the intelligent mobile phone, tablet computer LCD continue to maintain the world's first in the first half of 2016. Chengdu 6th generation AMOLED production line put into production next year, the BOE will become the world's second having flexible display technology after South Korea's Samsung,and have the ability to achieve mass production.